Property insurance provides essential protection for your company's material assets. In addition to the threats posed by fire and natural disasters, other potentially damaging perils can also be included as part of this coverage.
Following on from property insurance, business interruption insurance also represents an elementary component for the economic protection of your business. As a result of property damage, this coverage protects you against financial losses due to ongoing costs and compensates for lost business profits.
In the course of a risk analysis, we work with you to develop a coverage concept tailored to your individual needs. In doing so, we determine the risks to be insured in accordance with your preferences, taking into account the parameters of deductibles and maximum compensation limits. In the area of business interruption insurance, for example, this holistic approach also includes consideration of supply interdependencies as well as mutual and economic dependencies.
This is based in particular on the evaluation of technical information by our risk engineers and, in addition, on their active support in the area of your operational risk management.
In order to optimally place the insurance concept for your property and business interruption insurance, we use our distinctive contacts to all renowned industrial property insurers of the national and international insurance and reinsurance market.
The real quality of insurance service and insurance product becomes apparent in the event of a claim. With our expertise also in the area of claims settlement, we support you with our team exactly when you need the help most urgently.
Our constant intention to identify market trends and changes in the area of industrial property insurance at an early stage and to realize coverage optimization while maintaining premium attractiveness is confirmed to us by the partnership and trusting cooperation with our customers in the form of long-term mandates.
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