One of the most important insurances for companies in metal processing is public liability insurance, which protects against claims for damages by third parties. In metal processing, there is a high risk of property damage and personal injury, especially when working with heavy machinery and tools.
Also important is machinery insurance, which protects your machinery and equipment from damage caused by fire, theft, windstorm, flood and other risks, and pays for breakdown, replacement and repair costs.
Combined with loss of earnings insurance or business interruption insurance, the loss of income caused by a business interruption and the wage costs for the duration of the business interruption are borne by the insurer.
Transport insurance to cover the transportation of goods and merchandise, cyber coverage and, depending on the individual risk situation, sensible hedging products complete your company's rsiiko strategy.
Every industry has its peculiarities and its individual and special risks.
As an experienced and internationally active industrial insurance broker, we have been a partner of numerous companies nationally and internationally and in various industries for many years.
Over this time, we have been able to build up teams of experts for numerous sectors and develop special coverage concepts.
Internationally, we have a strong and proven network of partner brokers who share their knowledge of markets and industries with us. They support and complement us in managing your risks.
Convince yourself of our efficiency and our possibilities.