Hohenzollernstr. 2-6
44135 Dortmund
Represented by:
Nill Verwaltungs- und Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH, HRB 3619
Represented by:
Joachim Nill
Stefan Nill
Klaus-Michael Ossenkopp
Torben Ristau
Commercial register: HRA 6442
Register court: Dortmund Local Court
Phone: +49 (0)89414175690
E-mail: muenchen@leueundnill.de
Munich branch
Landsberger Straße 402
81241 Munich
Value added tax identification number in accordance with § 27 a of the Value Added Tax Act:
DE 177 112 649
Joachim Nill
Stefan Nill
Klaus-Michael Ossenkopp
Torben Ristau
We are legally obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.
In the event of disputes between insurance intermediaries and policyholders, the following arbitration board can be called upon:
Versicherungsombudsmann e. V., Postfach 08 06 32, 10006 Berlin, www.versicherungsombudsmann.de
Ombudsman for private health and long-term care insurance, P.O. Box 06 02 22, 10052 Berlin, www.pkv-ombudsmann.de
Online dispute resolution pursuant to Art. 14 (1) Regulation on Online Dispute Resolution in Consumer Matters (ODR Regulation)
The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (ODR platform), which consumers can find at https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/odr/main/. Consumers have the option of using this platform for out-of-court settlements of their disputes regarding contractual obligations.
LEUE & NILL Versicherungsmakler GmbH is registered with the Dortmund Chamber of Industry and Commerce and entered in the register of intermediaries as an insurance broker with a license pursuant to §34 d (1) of the Trade, Commerce and Industry Regulation Act and the registration number D-6OVX-2F12H-84.
You can check this information at:
DIHK | German Chamber of Industry and Commerce
Breite Straße 29
10178 Berlin
Phone: 0-180-500 585-0
(20 cents/call)
Homepage: https://www.vermittlerregister.info/
Leue & Nill receives an agreed fee for its services to the customer - either as a fee from the customer, as a brokerage fee included in the insurance premiums or as a combination of fee and brokerage fee. In addition to these types of remuneration, Leue & Nill may receive separate remuneration from insurance companies for services provided to insurance companies.
Leue & Nill does not hold a direct or indirect interest of more than ten percent of the voting rights or capital of an insurance company. Conversely, no insurance company or parent company of an insurance company holds a direct or indirect interest of more than ten percent of the voting rights or capital of Leue & Nill.
Schwarz+Matt GmbH